Intelligent Horsemanship Recommended Trainer
​I specialise in groundwork training, and overcoming a variety of issues and phobias and improving the horse human relationship. Known for my kind and calm approach, over the last few years, I have helped rebuild horse-human partnerships and enabled humans to understand their horses' behaviour.
I can help with various issues such as:
Leading and general handling,
Young horse education prior to backing,
Leg handling,
Catching the 'uncatchable' horse,
Gentling the untouched horse/pony,
Confidence building in horse and human
And many more...

About Leanne...
I grew up in a non-horsey family, and only became involved with horses by accident?! (Looking back, maybe it was fate?!). I finished my GCSEs and despite getting good results, I decided to do an NVQ on a competition yard, which didn’t please my school careers advisor! I wanted to work my way through the industry from the ground up, and during the year of working on a yard I learnt so much, but knew that 'traditional horsemanship' techniques were not right for me. I bought my first horse at the age of 20 whilst studying for a FdSc in Equine Sports Performance and Coaching at Duchy College. Following the FdSc, I continued with education and graduated with BSc (Hons) Rural Business Management a year later.

As much as I loved riding, I’ve always felt more of a connection to horses when I’ve been working with them on the ground. I only discovered Intelligent Horsemanship in 2008 when I started backing my first horse and went to an Intelligent Horsemanship and Monty Roberts Demo. I fell in love with the concept that you could be kind to horses AND get them to want to work together as a partnership, with no violence, pain or bribery – things that arent taught in traditional horsemanship. I remember that it felt like a lightbulb had been illuminated in my head. Seeing how Kelly and Monty worked gave me hope that (maybe) I could learn to do it too! Watching the demos over the next few years was magical, and I knew I had to learn more. Money has always been an obstacle, but I decided to save up to do the IH courses. I attended my first two IH courses in November 2011. By the time I did the 5 Day foundation course in 2012, I decided that I wanted to be an IHRT. A lot of work later, and I took the Stage 2 Exam in September 2014 and was invited to become an IHRT in March 2017.